So the crawdad boil last Thursday was fun, I heard. I was actually in Springfield that evening for a bridal shower. We had ordered a quarter barrel of beer for the boil, and I learned the next day that there was no tub and no tap! Yikes! I was pretty hot when I heard that, and I called up our distributor to find out what had happened, and basically what happened is I didn't request that stuff when I ordered the keg, and they didn't ask me if I needed that stuff. So I guess it wasn't really my fault or theirs? Or maybe it was both our faults? Anyway, it won't happen again! Oh well. They still had fun. Matt said he ate 50 crawdads. Geez.
What a beautiful weekend we had. The temperature was just about as perfect as it can be in the summertime. Warm, but not hot. (Cindy P. and I decided we like it a leeeeeetle hotter actually... but we'll take 84 over 104 any day!)
August is 8 days away. Unbelievable! Summer is going by too fast. Enjoy it while you can!