Well folks, I sure hate to report this kind of news...
We had a break-in last night. Not the store. But a couple of boats. This morning when we arrived at the marina we found some fishing tackle and poles strewn down the dock, as if someone left in a big hurry and dropped stuff along the way. The trail led right to someone's boat. And we discovered a couple boats, actually, had been tampered with. We contacted the boat owners, and they came down this morning. We also contacted the sheriff's department -- and they dispatched a Missouri Water Patrol officer. A report has been made, and an investigation is under way.
The good news is that we caught the perpetrators on camera! Sure enough. And we thought we'd never need to use that security system. It's sad that these petty thieves are trying to ruin our lifestyle of boating and fishing by stealing from us -- several rods and reels and other fishing gear was stolen. The tape has been turned over for enhancing, so we can get a better look at their faces.
And believe me... We will find out who did this.