Shady Oak Cafe as described in the brochure: Wayne & Necie Clark, Pontiac, Missouri, Ph. Osborn 9-2172. Open early 'till late, Breakfast & Lunch, Steak, Chops, Chicken & Shrimp dinners, Lunches to go, fried pies. Complete line of tackle. Your business appreciated.

The Shady Oak Cafe was built by Loren and Reva Taylor - the same folks who built Shady Oak Resort (now known as "The Oaks"). Jimmie Robbins ran it originally. Wayne and Necie Clark ran it later on. I don't really remember much about the operation of the cafe back in those days. However, the side of the building pictured above is the side Rick Taylor and I used for a backstop when we played baseball. It has been a backstop for a couple automobiles as well. The first time was back in the late 70's. My brother and I rounded the 90-degree corner where Guy Johnson's store stood and cruised by the cafe. My brother turned to me and said, "Did you see that car stuck in the side of the building?" I somehow missed it, but sure enough there was a car embedded in the block wall. Believe it or not the headlights were not broken. (Cars were made differently back then.) The second car was only a few years ago. Both times the drivers had taken the curve a little too fast, lost control and slid into the building.
In addition to housing a cafe, the building was also the post office for a while. Then it became a residence for Tom and Mary Cline when they first moved to Pontiac. Tom's dad, Bill, also lived there. It is now the summer home of Kevin and Cheryl Mattingly, who painted the phrase "Life Begins at the Lake" above the front door. Indeed it does.
Cap'n T. Morgan