Well... what can I say? The first annual (and yes, it will be an annual event!) Blessing of the Fleet was a huge success. I couldn't be happier with the turnout, especially considering how gloomy the weather was. The rain actual held off for a few hours in the afternoon, and about 30 boats participated in the blessing, which was so neat. Father Mike read a few passages about blessing the boats, and then each boat passed by him (he was on the end of the new dock) and he sprinkled holy water on each of them. It was a very powerful and moving moment. A few people still decorated their boats, despite the weather, and the winners were as follows:
Best in Show: Chris Geroff and Jimmy Lofink – island theme with parrots on their shoulders and dreadlocks on their heads
Best Costumes: The Wedding Party (Pam Hicks, friends and family)
Most Original Theme: The Schlicts (Christmas theme)
Then nearly 200 people gathered on the dock for our little open house, where we served beer, soda and food. We sold T-shirts (the proceeds from which will go to the Pontiac fireworks) -- we had 6 dozen, sold out immediately, and I am doing a re-order for another 4 dozen shirts. That's 10 dozen shirts! Again, it was incredible! Then from 6-10 p.m. Allen Ross (Springfield musician) played on the deck at Just Jackie's. And that was a blast. We will definitely ask him to come back.
I just want to say thank you so much to everyone who came out on Saturday. Even though it wasn't a very pretty day, it didn't matter. You still came out and had a great time. You all sure know how to have fun!
And now, here are a few dates to mark on your calendar:
June 17: Pontiac Spearfishing Tournament
July 2: Pontiac fireworks display
August 5: Blowout at the Pontiac Park pavilion
October 7: *Lake Cleanup and Full Moon Party
*This is a brand new event we are planning, sort of an end-of-season party. It will be an all-day party, much like the Blessing. More details to come later.
OH... and we made the front page of the Ozark County Times this week! Woo-hoo! Check it out if you can.
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