Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Q: Why did the snake cross the road?

A: To get to the other side... which happens to be right by my mailbox.

Oh yes, this "little" fella was lying on the edge of the road by my mailbox yesterday afternoon! When I pull up to get the mail or drop off outgoing mail I have to get out of the driver's side and walk around to the mailbox, because I can't reach out the passenger window... Luckily I saw this thing before I got out of the car, or else you probably would have heard me scream from 50 miles away. :) I thought it was dead, because it didn't move an inch when I pulled up beside it and leaned out my car window to take this picture. However... it wasn't there this morning. Yikes.


Lyn said...

It crossed the road to eat my poor little baby chicks. I hope you backed your car over it several times. I have been plagued lately with snakes. Mind I am hatching more than usual so it is attracting them. Thank goodness for my guineas they do help control them some what.
Been busier than a two peckered goat with my birds lately and not had much time to read this blog.
Mike if you are reading, please stay SAFE.
Thanks Jabet for keeping this up, you do a good job

Pontiac Cove Marina & Resort said...

It's good to hear from you! I've missed your comments... I'm sure the snake was dead, but it was gone the next day... My only thinking... a BIG bird got it. A really, really BIG bird. :)