Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Lake's Arisin'

Hey all. FYI, the water is over the lower road... again. So we have it roped off. Please be mindful of this. The current lake level is 657.6, and according to the Corps of Engineers website it's supposed to go up another tenth of a foot by tomorrow. Who knows after that. So far it's really not a big deal. It isn't much higher than it has been the past month... just high enough that it has spilled over the road and made things slightly difficult for us here at the main walkway. :)

This will make you chuckle... The last time the lake was over the road a bit, a certain young lady innocently asked if we could pump the extra water "somewhere" ... I won't tell you who said this, as I'm sure she would be a little embarrassed. But it gave me a good laugh anyway! Yes, that would be handy... but unfortunately... not possible. :)

Looks like this weekend is going to be beautiful! Warm and sunny. FINALLY!! If you're not entering the spearfishing tournament, you should still come on down to Hollingsworth Cove to see the weigh-in from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday.

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