Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Keep Left :)

In case you're wondering, we survived all the rain! So far, anyway. Matt and Josh did have to take a boat to get on the dock this morning! But everything is fine. Just a little extra water. The lake is about 664+ now. By the time I finish writing this it will probably be even higher than that! It's coming up about 4 inches an hour today. A rep from the Corps called this morning and told us Bull Shoals will crest next Thursday, March 27, at 675 -- that's 21 feet above normal pool. And that's ONLY if we don't get any more rain between now and then. Yowzas. Get ready to say bye-bye to the top road. By the time this is over we'll be able to walk right off the dock and onto Jackie's deck! Some of you have seen it that high before. Others haven't. Get your cameras ready!

FYI: Our hours are 8 to 5 Monday to Thursday; 8 to 6 Friday and Saturday; and 8 to 4 on Sunday. As you know, that will change as the days get longer and we get closer to summertime.

Despite all the rain we've had the past couple days, Easter weekend looks to be promising weather-wise. The sun is already out this afternoon. By tomorrow we should be in the upper 60s and sunny, and staying that way through the weekend! Hope you're staying dry, where ever you are! Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Wow...thanks for the pic -
Would love to see more!

duane said...

wonder if the lake will come up to the level of 2001 or was it 2002 that it was so darn high.