Friday, January 30, 2009

Beginning to thaw out...

Well, not much new to report this evening - I don't have any new pics, but I plan to take some tomorrow, as I'm sure folks will be out in full force starting the clean-up effort. Some have already started - I could hear chainsaws around today. A lot of the ice melted today, as temps reached the lower 40s. It's supposed to be upper 50s tomorrow! That will certainly helps matters. A few people in Pontiac have power at their homes this evening, but so many are still without, including the boat dock. Matt and I are fortunate enough to have electricity at our home. If anyone out there needs water or anything else, please feel free to stop by. We'll be around all weekend.

1 comment:

Jessica Peterson Blackburn said...

Seems a little silly to say this considering those without power probably won't read it, but the same goes for Gabe and I. We will be around all weekend, we have power and our doors are open to all of our Pontiac neighbors. If you need water, a shower, food or just to warm up - please feel free to stop by for whatever.