A big THANK YOU goes out to Joe Lewis and his family, who spent the weekend helping Pontiac residents get a jump start on the cleanup after the ice storm last week. The Lewis family is from Seymour, but can call themselves part-time Pontiac residents, as they own a houseboat and cabin here. You may have seen Joe running up and down the road in his big green tractor this past weekend. He was a tremendous help to us, as he pushed some of our biggest downed limbs into huge piles to burn - a job that would have taken Matt and me a whole day or more took him less than an hour. Joe's wife, Cary, also stopped by on Saturday and helped Matt pick up limbs for quite a while.
It was a gorgeous weekend, with temps in the 60s both Saturday and Sunday. The sunshine seemed to bring everyone out of their homes, and everywhere you turned you could hear chainsaws fired up. It's amazing how a community - especially Pontiac - comes together to help one another in a time of need. Keep up the great work, everyone! And don't forget about our neighbors to the south - all those folks in Arkansas remain without power still today.
1 comment:
A Big SHOUT OUT to Joe and his big green machine and his helper!!!They stacked & piled our downed limbs and brush in no time - it would have taken us hours to do the same job even with all the help from family & friends. Thank you, JOE, and to your assistant as well - we so appreciate your generosity!! Can we all think big bonfire in the SPRING?? cp
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