Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

So... it's been raining A LOT here the past few days. Of course we needed it badly, but I'm starting to feel a little sunshine deprived. And I've heard a few other locals say that, too! Whether they would admit it or not. The lake is almost at normal pool. Still just a foot or so below. And that is great!

We had a good little storm here Tuesday morning. I was working in the office, Matt was in the survey office, and Josh was on the new dock adjusting cables. I looked outside and the sky was pitch black! It was like nighttime! And the wind started picking up, and the rain... It totally freaked me out. I grabbed Matt, and we jumped in the car and went to my grandparents' house -- they have a basement -- and hung out there for about 10 minutes. When it passed, we came back down. Everything was fine. Poor Josh was stuck on the new dock during the whole thing. We figured he would get out of there when it started looking so ugly, but he had cables loose and could not abandon them! I felt terrible. But he is fine, too.

Boy, Mother Nature sure does like to test us.

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