Monday, January 26, 2009


Well, in case you haven't heard, southwest Missouri and northwest Arkansas are under a winter storm warning for this evening and tomorrow. Yuck! I just watched the noon news, and we are sort of on the "line" of what they're predicting to be bad vs. worse. In other words, looks like we could get anywhere from 1/4 inch to 2 inches of ice, depending on which direction the weather takes. Yes, that's ice. Not good for roads, not good for power lines, and definitely not good for boat docks. Today we're preparing the dock as best we can - without knowing really what to expect. Snow is much easier to deal with because we can shovel. Ice is a different story. The freezing rain is supposed to start this evening around 6-ish, and end sometime tomorrow. Provided we still have electricity and Internet in the morning, I'll write an update if I can to let you know the conditions in Pontiac. If you don't hear from me for a day or two... that likely means we don't have any power! If you're in the area, we hope you stay warm and safe the next couple days. Here's hoping the forecast is wrong!

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