Sunday, April 12, 2015

The First Houseboats

We had great success with our first houseboat, so in 1985 we purchased a second "Boatel." Many of our customers were really interested in renting houseboats, but they wanted bigger boats, air-conditioning and more amenities. I started looking into a company called Great American Houseboat Company. It sounded too good to be true. Sure enough it was. The company, Master Fabricators, was building the boats in Arkansas, selling them to investors in California, then leasing them to dock operators like me to rent for them. The company went out of business, and I lost my deposit. The boat was sitting at the factory in Arkansas. The factory was also left holding the bag so I made a deal with them to buy the boat anyway. It was a fifty-footer.

Boatel left, Master Fab right.

1985 was quite a year in Pontiac. Some of you will recall that was the year the FBI and the ATF raided the CSA camp just across the state line in Arkansas. Johnna and I drove in one evening pulling a Champion bass boat, and there was a roadblock set up at the junction of Highway W and Highway 5. I thought I would just wave at them and drive on through, but I did not see anybody I recognized in the group. They told us if we had anywhere else we could go until the standoff was over that we should go there. So, we took the new houseboat out and spent the night out on the lake. We could hear the plane watching the activities at the CSA camp flying overhead all night. Click here for more details on the CSA (Covenant, Sword and the Arm of the Lord).

After our first year with the Master Fab, I was at another boat show and I saw my first Sumerset Houseboat. It was a sixty-footer. I met with the owner of the company, Jim Sharpe, and he offered me a really good price on a rental. Mike MacPherson was with First Home Savings and Loan at the time. (Looking back, I think he was way too easy too borrow money from.) Shortly after that, our new Sumerset arrived for the 1986 season.

The first Sumerset.

Everyone wanted the bigger, nicer boats that accommodated more people. So, we sold our two Boatels and in 1987 bought our second Sumerset. One of our original Boatels is privately owned (see below) and is still at the dock today.

The Lynda Sue.

Written By Cap'n T Morgan

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