Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Interesting article in BoatU.S. Magazine

I found this article in the January 2008 issue of BoatU.S. Magazine. I thought you might be interested in reading it also...

Army Corps Floats Life Jacket Rule

The millions of visitors to lakes and reservoirs managed by the Army Corps of Engineers may have to wear life jackets to go boating, if the agency's chief has his way. The Corps, which has jurisdiction over 456 waterways in 43 states, is currently contemplating mandatory life jacket wear for all boaters on their waters. Major General Don Riley, Director of the Corps' Civil Works, is concerned that despite several decades of safety education aimed at swimmers and boaters, the water-related fatality rate at Corps facilities has not improved in the last few years.

Nationwide, the Corps has a 10-year average of 164 water-related fatalities a year. The majority of these deaths occur among swimmers outside designated swim areas, as well as from falls off docks, banks and land. Boating-specific deaths are approximately 42% of the annual water-related fatalities. This boating category includes deaths attributed to swimming from a boat, falling or fishing from the boat, nighttime capsizing, and capsizing in general.

At press time in late November, Corps staff was conducting research into existing state laws, enforcement capabilities and the effectiveness of education and outreach efforts. If the Corps decides to create a federal life jacket standard for its waters, the proposed change in Title 36 of the federal regulations would require a public comment period. However, if an individual district commander, leading one of the 38 districts of the Corps, decides to implement a life jacket requirement for all boaters in their own geographic district, they can enact this change merely by signing a statement to that effect.

BoatU.S. is part of the ongoing discussions with the Corps; if a comment period is announced, BoatU.S. will post notice at

So far we have heard nothing of this proposition. We'll keep you posted if we do hear something out of the Little Rock District--our local district.

What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said...

That is a very interesting article. I understand the "safety concerns" but I would hate to wear a life jacket everytime I am on the boat. I want to be relaxed and get as much sun as possible. I hope they do not make such a drastic move.

Pontiac Cove Marina & Resort said...

I tend to agree. I believe there should be a life jacket rule for children (and there is -- 7 yrs and younger in MO; 13 yrs and younger in AR), but as an adult, I think I should be able to use my own judgment about whether to wear one.

Anonymous said...

I understand safety concerns but if I want to put my own life in jeopardy, isn't that my business, not the government's? I can certainly understand it for children but this just sounds like the Corps wants to treat us like children. Just typical.