There is a beaver on the loose at PCM. The darn thing chewed this tree down! It's 8 feet tall and about 9 inches in diameter -- the tree, not the beaver. I've never seen the animal, but we know he exists. You can see where he has chewed down trees and limbs along the shoreline, and he leaves debris in the water. (Plus, there are reported sightings by a couple different PCM customers.) We found this tree floating under the walkway. We assume he was trying to swim it to his nest (which we believe is under one of the old docks near the office), and he either couldn't hack it (I could barely lift it!), or he got startled and dropped it. Either way, now he'll have to walk right up to the front door to retrieve it. We'll see how brave this beaver really is.
Meanwhile, does anyone out there have any bright ideas on how to catch a beaver?
Rum and Coke and a Chicago bank roll.
Rum and coke will only get you a possum. Try a nice Chardonnay and a Hummer.
Okay you two... I was thinking more like a couple live traps and a conservation agent.
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