Despite what this looks like, we really didn't get any of the ice that was predicted for last night; just a few icicles on the trees. Highway W is clear, at least our end of it. And our driveway and sidewalk are, too. I think most of the ice stayed north of us. I heard Ava (45 miles north of Pontiac) had it pretty bad, and Springfield, of course. All the schools in southwest MO are closed again today, including Ozark County schools. Some of the side roads must be slick. Anyway, I figured some of you might be wondering how we fared down here, and I'm happy to report just fine. Chins up, everyone. Only 37 days until spring!
Thanks for the update on the weather being 250 miles away your always wondering what going on at the lake. Your blog helps us keep in touch with the people and events going on at the lake.
Debbie Powers
Hi Debbie! Thanks for your comment. I'm glad you enjoy the blog. Cheers!
Hi Jabet! thank you for the weather update, we are looking forward to pontiac blog and knowing what is going on with out being there. THANKS AGAIN
Pat and Bill
Hi Jabet Love reading anytime there is an update, being in St Louis you ARE our connection to the little slice of heaven that is pontiac. Remeber, just because people dont post doesnt mean we arent reading!!
Clark Creighton
Thanks Clark! :)
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