Saturday, January 23, 2010

Blast away those winter blues in one week!

Sorry, folks, if I've been a little MIA... I've been on vacation. But, I'm back, and I'm super excited for the first ever Winter Blues Blast in Pontiac ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! I hope you're all planning to join us that afternoon and evening for food, drinks and some fantastic live music from three different groups. (See previous post for more details on the musicians.) In the midst of all the fun, we're hoping to raise a little money for the 2010 Pontiac Fireworks, which is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, July 4. We'll be selling food and souvenir cups to raise money. Location for the Blast is at the Pontiac firehouse, next to the Pontiac post office. Call 417-679-3676 or e-mail with questions.

In other news... the lake level is inches away from normal pool!


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